
One Health in industrial research

The fzmb stands for applied research for the health of humans, animals and the environment. As a business-oriented One Health Institute, we specialize in the development of new diagnostic detection procedures and new analytical methods. The focus is on infection diagnostics, the detection of microbial resistance and environmental and food analysis. In addition to diagnostics, we also develop new therapies for the health of dogs and horses.

We combine our expertise in the fields of cell biology, microbiology, in-vitro diagnostics, biotechnology and optical analysis with the veterinary expertise of our veterinary clinic, and externally with the specific innovation needs of small and medium-sized companies. The institute’s internal testing laboratory for food testing also provides an interface for the topic of “healthy nutrition”.

Research and development for the German market

As a business-oriented research institution within the Zuse Association, we are a link between science and industry. Our application-oriented research and development of processes and products therefore enables rapid implementation on the market.

An overview of current investments andcurrent funding in research and consulting by the state of Thuringia can be found at the bottom of this page.

Biotechnology Division

Microarray development & production

The focus is on the development, validation and production of single and multiparameter assays for all applications in diagnostics and life sciences.

Equipped with state-of-the-art microarray spotters and microdispensers, our department specializes in the development and production of microarray-based assays.

We support customers worldwide with an exclusive microarray printing service starting from array design to data analysis.

From feasibility study to optimization, verification and validation to pilot production, we offer all phases of development.

After successful project implementation, we are available as a partner for ISO-certified contract manufacturing.

Department Bioinstruments/ Device Development

optical analytics meets artificial intelligence

Contactless optical analysis methods have a wide range of applications in the field of process and laboratory analysis. We develop customized hardware and software solutions for innovative methods of hyperspectral imaging, UV, VIS, NIR and IR spectroscopy as well as gas analysis using ion mobility spectrometry.

We are also working on new applications for microscopic analyses and applications using time-resolved fluorescence (TRF).

For spectroscopic and chemometric services, our excellently equipped laboratory and the know-how of our experts are at your disposal.


Fields of application

  • Hyperspectral measurements (400 nm – 2,500 nm)
  • Measurement of absorption, reflection and transmission
  • Scattered light measurements
  • Time-resolved fluorescence microscopy
  • Near Infrared Spectroscopy
  • Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS)
  • Development of chemometric models for NIR spectroscopy
  • Development of AI-based evaluation methods for hyperspectral measurement data
  • Radiation optical simulations
  • CAD modeling and 3D printing

In vitro diagnostics department

from antigen to point-of-care test / ELISA

Our department specializes in the development of immunological tests for veterinary and human medical applications. The focus is on assay developments for use in the diagnostic laboratory (ELISA) as well as on tests for on-site analysis, such as point-of-care tests (lateral flow assay).

We develop and validate complete test systems, including individual diagnostic components such as monoclonal antibodies and antigens (e.g. in the form of recombinant proteins). Novel detection markers such as fluorescent nanoparticles are also used in this process.


Fields of application

  • Development and production of antigens and antibodies
  • Development and production of lateral flow assays/ ELISA
  • Preparations for the transfer to industrial production

Veterinary clinic

new therapies and diagnostics for large and small animals

For 25 years, scientists at the Veterinary Clinic have been involved in application developments in orthopedics and internal medicine.

Current focus in orthopedics is the development of autologous implants as replacements for articular cartilage and ligaments as well as instruments and implants for fracture treatment by means of osteosynthesis.

The focus of the internal medicine topics is the development of multiplex assays for molecular allergy diagnostics for horses and the improvement of tumor diagnostics in dogs. The focus is on the use of new biomarkers from liquid biopsy and their combination with findings from imaging procedures. Artificial intelligence algorithms are used for this purpose.

We are an active member of the ProAnimalLife and WildLifePro research networks.

Department and test laboratory for food testing

Analysis of food, cosmetics & environment

For the safety of food, water, but also cosmetics, research into new detection methods and procedures is needed. Reductions in analysis times or improvements in detection sensitivity play a major role here.

In addition to our activities as a laboratory service provider for food safety and consumer protection, we therefore also conduct extensive research and development of new methods at fzmb.

Not only large and medium-sized companies benefit from these results, but also the numerous craft enterprises in the region.

Our test laboratory is accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN 17025 and certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.

current investments in research

Expansion of the IT infrastructure to ensure high availability and data security

As part of this project, the IT infrastructure was significantly expanded with the purchase of three VMware hosts, a central storage unit (MSA2060), an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and a dedicated server for immutable backups. This investment ensures high availability of our systems, protects against data loss and enables efficient management and backup of large volumes of data. The focus here is on the long-term backup and availability of critical databases in order to ensure the operational continuity and security of the institute’s IT environment in the long term.

Funding from the Free State of Thuringia under the RTI Directive and from European Union funds enables us to invest in our digital infrastructure and thus meet the growing requirements for data management, data security and system stability.

Modernization of the laboratory information system and expansion of the software in the veterinary field

As part of this IT infrastructure project, we invested in the laboratory information system (LIMS) for our test laboratory and made it highly available through virtualization. This measure ensures that the analysis and processing procedures can run efficiently and fail-safe at all times.

In addition, the software for the veterinary sector has been significantly expanded and functionally enhanced to enable even more comprehensive and precise management of examinations, data and processes. Digital communication with our customers has also been optimized in this way. These improvements strengthen our performance and help us to continue working at the highest level in both testing laboratory operations and veterinary medicine. The project, which is funded by the Free State of Thuringia as part of the RTI Directive, is co-financed by state funds and funds from the European Union.

Structure Platform Next Generation Sequencing

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for a rapid response to the emergence of new, pathogenic agents and/or pathogen variants.

At fzmb, we want to meet this challenge. In order to identify and characterize new pathogens (variants) more quickly, we are establishing a next generation sequencing platform. Using this high-throughput method, we can visualize even the smallest genetic changes (such as mutations) in a short time. On this basis, we can subsequently develop improved/adapted diagnostics such as rapid tests (lateral flow assays) for self-testing or ELISAs/microarraries for laboratory diagnostics.

The project, which is supported by the Free State of Thuringia, is co-financed by funds from the European Union within the framework of the REACT-EU Fund. The realization was carried out after a limited invitation to tender without a competition in accordance with ThürVVöA as a sub-threshold supply service. For this purpose, an NG sequencer from Illumina and the necessary computing hardware from Godyo GmbH were purchased. An FPLC (Äkta pure 25 M) from Cytiva was purchased for sample preparation and separation. For quality control, a TapeStation from Agilent), for DNA quantification a Qubit from Thermo Fisher Scientific and for a PCR cycler (TAdvanced from Analytik Jena) were procured. An Arpege170 cryogenic container was purchased through VWR for sample storage.

Expansion of the “Highly Specific Antibodies” technology platform

The emergence of new, pathogenic agents and/or pathogen variants requires rapid responses. We are taking up this challenge and investing in the development of specific antibodies for new pathogens. On this basis, we can subsequently develop, for example, improved/adapted diagnostics such as rapid tests.

The following equipment was procured for the expansion of the “Highly Specific Antibodies” technology platform at the fzmb: An electrofusion and electroporation generator (Fisher Scientific GmbH, Schwerte) was procured for the preparation of cells for transfection. For the selection and characterization of antibody-producing cells, a fluorescence microscope (Thunder Imager 3D Assay, Leica Mikrosysteme GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) including components and accessories, a microscope stage with accessories (Thorlabs GmbH, Beikirchen, Germany) and the corresponding air purification system (KKT Kratochwill GmbH, Mühlhausen, Germany) were procured. The project, which is supported by the Free State of Thuringia, is co-financed by funds from the European Union within the framework of the REACT-EU Fund. The realization was carried out after a limited invitation to tender without a competition in accordance with ThürVVöA as a sub-threshold supply service.

current promotions in the consultation

Innovation voucher for the establishment of a new R&D collaboration

Immunotherapies use the body’s own immune system to effectively fight inflammatory processes or cancer, for example. The “Preparation of an R&D cooperation project for the development of an immunotherapy for specific bone diseases” project funded by the Free State of Thuringia is co-financed by funds from the European Union. The objectives of the innovation assistance include preliminary studies, intensive research on the status of these diseases and their current therapeutic options, market analyses, etc.

Entrepreneurial accompaniment – Subsidy according to consulting guideline

The fzmb GmbH is not only a research institute but also acts as a medium-sized company. In order to cooperate even more successfully with partners in foreign markets, we use intensive consulting and process support by independent management consultants. This project is supported by RKW Thüringen GmbH.


current state funding into research